Science (including Lucid Dream research)


Psychologist Dr Hearne’s original sleep-lab records and ‘dream- machine’ are on permanent display at the SCIENCE MUSEUM in London.


DOWNLOAD HEARNE’S FAMOUS PhD THESIS FREE – THE FIRST  IN THE WORLD ON LUCID-DREAMS. (Including Hearne’s  momentous discovery of the ocular-signaling technique from lucid-  dreams – April 1975). Click here  to  download the PhD thesis (418+ pages).  

Hearne, K. M. T. (1978) Lucid-dreams: an electrophysiological and psychological study. PhD thesis, University of Liverpool (UK). Submitted May, 1978.

ALSO, DOWNLOAD FREE HEARNE’S SEMINAL BOOK THE DREAM MACHINE (Click on Books by Dr Hearne – top right of this page)


Psychologist Keith Hearne made his famous discovery concerning ocular-signaling from the lucid dream state on the morning of 12th April 1975, at Hull (England) University’s sleep-laboratory. He communicated the data, and other examples, to Professor Allan Rechtschaffen of Chicago University. Prof. William Dement at Stanford University was also informed. Much later, Stephen LaBerge, at Stanford, produced similar work.


From 1976, Hearne’s lucid-dream discoveries, including the eye-signaling method, were described by him in various newspaper interviews, and on TV and radio.

N.B. The first official, academic public presentation of Hearne’s findings of his lucid-dream sleep-lab research were given in a paper read at a 1977 Conference:

‘Eye-movement communication from lucid-dreams – a new technique and initial findings’. 11th Post-graduate – postdoctoral Conference in the Behavioural Sciences. Hull University, England, April 15 – 18th, 1977. The Conference papers were published.

□   VIEW/DOWNLOAD:  1977 Conference

□    VIEW/DOWNLOAD PHOTO OF DR HEARNE AT THE LONDON SCIENCE MUSEUM (where his original chart-records of ocular-signalling, and his ‘dream-machine’ are on permanent display).




(The following will be available shortly:)


□    Hearne, K. M. T. (1975) Visual imagery and evoked responses. MSc Thesis.University of Hull, 1975.



(The following will be available shortly:)

□1.     Hearne, K. M. T. & Worsley, A. (1977) An experiment in telepathic  phobic fear & REM sleep. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research., 49 (771): 434 – 439. March.

□2.     Hearne, K. M. T. (1977) Visually evoked responses & ESP: an experiment.  J.Soc.psych.Res., 49 (774): 648 – 657, Dec.

□3.     Hearne, K. M. T. (1978) Visual imagery and evoked responses. Psychological Research, 40: 89 – 92. Click: VISUAL IMAGERY & VERs

□4.     Hearne, K. M. T. (1979) ESP – does it really exist?  Nursing Mirror,149 (19): 28 – 29.       Nov. 8th.

□5.     Hearne, K. M. T. (1980) Insight into lucid dreams. Nursing Mirror 150 (10): 20 – 22. March 6th.

□6.     Hearne, K. M. T. (1980) Post-hypnotically suggested dreams and the sleep cycle: an experimental re-evaluation. IRCS  Medical Bulletin, 8: 240 – 241.

□7.     Hearne, K. M. T. (1980) Behold, it is a dream. The Guardian (National newspaper), p.14. July 17th. Click: GUARDIAN2

□8.     Hearne, K. M. T. (1980) Terror lurking in the dark. Nursing Mirror, 151 (7): 18 – 20. August 14th.

□9.     Empson, J. A. C., Hearne, K. M. T., & Tilley, A. J. (1980) REM sleep and reminiscence. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 34: 23.

□10.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1980) Lucid dreams and “ESP”: an initial experiment using one subject. J.Soc.psych.Res., 51 (787): 7 – 11. Feb. Click: LDs and ESP

□11.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1981) The effect on the subject (in waking, SWS and REM states) of electric shocks to the Agent: an  ESP  experiment. J.Soc.psych.Res., 51 (788): 87 – 92. June. Click: SHOCKS & ESP

□12.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1981) Visually evoked responses and  ESP: failure to replicate previous findings. J.Soc.psych.Res., 51 (789): 145 – 147, Oct. 1981.

□13.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1981) A Light-switch phenomenon in lucid dreams. Journal of Mental  Imagery, 5(2): 97 – 100. Click:LIGHT SWITCH EFFECT

□14.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1981) At death’s door. Nursing Mirror, 153 (21): 26 – 28, Nov. l8th.

□15.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1981) Control your own dreams. New Scientist , 91 (1272): 783 – 785. Sept. 24th.

□16.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1981) Strange goings on in hospital. Nursing Mirror, 153 (26): 24. Dec 23/30.

□17.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) Trapped in sleep. Nursing Mirror, 154 (2): 34 – 35 Jan. 13th.

18.   Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) An ostensible precognition of the 1974 Flixborough disaster. J.Soc.psych.Res., 51 (790): 210 – 213. May. Click: (FLIXBOROUGH)

□19.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) Undiscovered country. Vogue magazine, 3 (2218), vol. 139: 56 – 64. March.

□20.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) Ten tests for state-assessment. Lucidity Letter, 1 (3): 6 – 7. May.

□21.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) Effects of performing certain set tasks in the lucid dream state. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 54: 259 – 262.

□22.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) An ostensible precognition of the accidental sinking of H.M. submarine Artemis in 1971. J.Soc.psych.Res., 51 (791): 283 – 287. June.

□23.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) Three cases of ostensible precognition from a single percipient. J.Soc.psych.Res., 51 (791): 288 – 291. June. Click: THREE PREMONITIONS

□24.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) An automated technique for studying psi in home lucid dreams. J.Soc.psych.Res., 51 (791): 303 – 304. June.

□25.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) Energy flow between Healer & Patient?  J.Soc.psych.Res., 51 (792): 382 – 384. Oct.

□26.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) A suggested experimental method of producing false-awakenings with possible resulting lucidity or OBE – the  FAST   (False-Awakening with State Testing) technique. Lucidity Letter, 1 (4):12 -13.Oct.

□27.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1982) Dreams. Next… magazine , 1 (3):. 88 – 93.

□28.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1983).  A scene-change phenomenon in externalized imagery. Lucidity Letter,   2 (1): 2 – 4. Jan.

□29.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1983) Features of lucid dreams: questionnaire data and content analyses (1). Journal of Lucid Dream Research, 1 (1): 3 – 20. Summer.

□30.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1983) Electrophysiological aspects of lucid dreams – more detailed findings. Journal of Lucid Dream Research, 1 (1): 21 – 47. Summer.

□31.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1983) Lucid dream induction. Journal of Mental Imagery, 7 (1): 19 – 24.

□32.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1984) A survey of reported premonitions and of those who have them. J.Soc.psych..Res., 52 (796): 261 – 270. Feb.

□33.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1984) Lucid  dreaming and psi research. In Current Trends in PSI Research. Procs. of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Parapsychology Foundation, New Orleans, U S A. Pages 192 – 213. August 13-14th.

□34.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1984, 29th August) The early warning system that nobody heeds. Click: GUARDIAN1

The Guardian (National newspaper), Wedn., August 29th, p.11.

□35.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1985) An ostensible precognition using a dream machine. J.Soc.psych.Res., 53 (799):38 – 40. Feb. Click: DREAM MACHINE PREM.

□36.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1985) The importance of spontaneous cases. Parapsychology Review, 16 (5): 13 – 15. Sept/Oct.

□37.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1986) Dream sense. Nursing Times/Mirror, Jan. 1 – 7, 28 – 31.

□38.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1986) An analysis of premonitions deposited over one year, from an apparently gifted subject. J.Soc.psych.Res., 53 (804): 376 – 382. July. Click: YEAR LONG GARWELL STUDY

□39.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1987) A new perspective on dream imagery. Journal of Mental Imagery, 11 (2): 75 – 82.

□40     Hearne, K. M. T. (1987) A dream-telepathy study using a home  dream machine. J.Soc.psych.Res., 54 (807): 139 – 142. April. Click: DREAM TELEPATHY

□41.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1989) A nation-wide mass dream-telepathy experiment. J.Soc.psych.Res., 55 (814): 271 – 274. Jan.

□42.    Hearne, K. M. T.  (1989) A forced-choice remote-viewing experiment. J.Soc.psych.Res., 55 (814): 275 – 278. Jan. Click: FORCED CHOICE REMOTE

□43.    Hearne, K. M. T. (1989) A questionnaire & personality study of psychics and mediums. J.Soc.psych.Res. 55 (816): 404 – 411.

□44.     Hearne, K. M. T. (1991) A questionnaire and personality study of nightmare sufferers. Journal of Mental imagery, 15 (3 – 4): 55 – 64.

□45.     Hearne, K. M. T. (1999) The concept of the virtual self. Positive Health.                                  11 – 13.  September.



□1.     U.K. PATENT ON  DREAM MACHINE.  No 2039741, publ. 20th July, 1983

□2.     U.S. PATENT ON  DREAM MACHINE. No. 4420001, publ. 13th December, 1983



1/          Eye-movement communication from lucid dreams a new technique and initial findings. 11th Post-graduate – postdoctoral Conference in the Behavioural Sciences. Hull University, England, April15 – 18th, 1977.

2/         Lucid dreams: a new area for psi investigation. Annual Conf. of the Society for Psychical Research, Brighton, April 15 – 18th, 1980; and London, 1980.

3/         Hypnosis: a cool re-evaluation. Annual Conf. of the SPR, Bristol, April 10 – 12th, 1981.

4/         An analysis of premonitions. SPR lecture, 10th February, 1983, London.

5/         Lucid dreaming and psi research. 33rd Annual Conf. of the Parapsychology Foundation, New Orleans, USA., August 13 -14th, 1984.

6/         The past and present of seeing the future. Annual Conf. of the SPR., London, Sept 21st, 1985.

7/         Time and the puzzle of precognition. Study day No. 11 of the SPR., London, 26th April, 1986.

8/         The mystery of premonitions , and  Research into lucid dreaming. One day Conf., The College of Psychic Studies, Oxford, 10th May, 1986.

9/         A study of psychics and mediums. Annual Conf. of the SPR., Cambridge, 5 – 7th Sept  1986.

10/        Talk on premonitions, etc. Annual Conf. National Women’s Register, Nottingham. 16 -17th April, 1988.

11/        Some theoretical considerations of Lucid dreaming  and  A Study of Nightmare sufferers. ASD Conference, London, July 26 – 29th 1989.
